I am an active reserve component soldier in the Army and also a Realtor. I came across AccuPro and was really looking forward to working with Rich however, there were a few things that rubbed me the wrong way. 1. The pricing is a tad high according to the actual web page that listed the cost at $370 when the square footage of the home came in just above 1500sqft and the price covers up to 1999sqft (should be per square foot to be fair) 2. The kicker is that when I called I was quoted at $470? I was told that the additional cost was due to the age of the home being built in 1956. I was told the "system" computes the price and couldn't tell me how it calculates price per year or what factors were taken into account.
Then there was an additional $59 for Termite (which companies often times toss in at a discount or free). TOTAL $529 - I made one last attempt to work with Rich because of his great reviews and asked if there was a military discount and was told that there was a discount of less than 5% ($25 to be exact). I don't expect or demand a specific discount for serving my country but I am a Realtor and work with and have close friends that are active duty and/or veterans.
It's a hard sell at that price point and on top of it no discount might actually market better than saying you offer a discount and then keep it at less than 5%. (10% minimum happens to be the average discount offered by most business') I can't in good conscience refer this company to my clients and will continue my search.