| - So here is the reason I'm posting my first Yelp review ever....As a regular user of Yelp and a restaurant owner myself(East Valley), I thought today's experience was a good qualifier for what it was intended for, to let people know what they should know before they spend their money. First I want to make it clear that my wife and I frequent both locations in Desert Ridge and Scotts Fashion Mall and even on occasion, Newport Beach and want it to be known that we consider Yard House one of our favorite restaurants to sit down and have a beer and one of the only places we know of that serves consistently great food. Today we went to Westgate for lunch to meet some friends and family that live in the area and to watch the Cardinal game. We decided to go early and catch the end of a couple games before the Cardinals started and we ended up having our usual bites and a few beers. We sat between two tv's on the west side of the bar so that we could see more games and also figured that the Cardinals would end up on atleast one. With 3-4 seats open on both sides of us and basically only crickets chirping, the tv's kept changing with games late in the 4th with only minutes left. My wife and I were in total disbelief and figured that someones toddler must have gotten ahold of the remote. Anyway, FFWD, our entree shows and the Cardinal game comes on the tv to our right and the 49's game to our is is is normally good (not today).... and then all of a sudden the toddler from hell turns both tv's to the 49's game. I looked at the bar tender and raised my arms and without a word he turns around and goes and gets the manager. The manager comes and says that he can't please everyone and that if we would like to move he would accommodate. I said we are in WESTGATE for f*** sake and I cant believe you don't have the game on for patrons that have been waiting on atleast one of the tv's. Again in disbelief, I looked around me at the people wearing Cardinal garb who are now moving somewhere else to find a tv with the Cardinal game on...Krazy! From where we were sitting we could see 6 tv's and only 2 of them had the Cardinal game on and the rest were all 49's. The only 2 were clear across the dining area. So my take on the Yard House @ Westgate is it caters to all the fair-weather transplant fans of Arizona that would rather see the Dodgers, Lakers, Raiders and apparently, even the 49's. FFwd again...grabbed our check contacted our friends and we all met at Gordon B., where they appreciate the local sports and what Westgate stands for.... To be fair, the 1-star is for the trigger happy toddler who comp'd our drinks after dismissing our significance at the bar....Their are plenty of choices in this area, follow the crowds and not the crickets if you want to watch the local sports!