I have lived in one of their communities for over a year now. I am going to just give you a bullet list of items as to why I gave them the score that I have.
-They try to squeeze as much money as they possibly can out of you every single month AND they change the rules of the properties constantly and then blatantly lie about it afterwards. For example, we were always permitted to use the key code to enter the property, then they modified the key code's response so that it only works once every 30 minutes and when many residents called in to see what was wrong with the code, we were informed that we had to purchase a clicker for $45 and that it had "always been like that."
- The security they have hired is in cohorts with the tow truck driving company. Therefore whenever a vehicle is parked on the side streets for even for a moment (I've seen it happen to others) they will slap a sticker on the car and hurriedly call the tow truck driver to come take the car. I believe the security guard is then compensated by them for doing that.
- If you have a one car garage, you must park your car in your garage. Otherwise you have to get a weekly parking "guest" permit in order to park in the guest parking areas if you live there. Security keeps a record for every car that has a garage and is registered to live in that community and if you are on it and not parking your car in your garage then you will get towed! - - For parking in GUEST parking. If you have two cars and only have a one car garage, then you must get a parking permit from them for that as well, which can take up to several days because it must be approved by their board. That goes for guest parking as well. You must get a pass and it will take up to several days.
-Horrendous customer service/zero friendliness or common courtesy from all of their staff (not just one individual but practically everyone in their entire office).
- It takes several calls in a row over the course of a few days to get anyone on the phone at the main office.
-Their emergency line is a voicemail, not an actual person.