Just horrible.... the owner Cathy is ridiculous. I walk in, she quotes me $20 for removing my shellac and a normal manicure. I sit down and she comes by 4 times to push me to get shellac and after saying no 4 times, she started asking Kim, my manicurist in vietnamese if I'm still doing regular... wtf
A customer comes in and she does a 180 and starts smiling and offering good customer service.
She then proceeds to rush my manicurist to finish me so the other customer doesn't have to wait....wow
She moves me to a plastic chair so my manicurist had to finish my nails with no table.... just so the other customer can sit in my chair waiting for my manicurist
Wow! X2
Finally I'm done, go to pay with my visa. She then threatens to charge me $25 plus tax unless I pay cash.... wow ×3
Fail Cathy Fail!
This is why your place is still small and not as successful. The only redeeming point was my manicurist who was sweet and great to talk to.