| - My husband lost his phone, which was already in pretty poor condition, so we decided to switch my phone over to his number and get a new iPhone for my line. I went into this AT&T location on a Saturday to purchase the new phone, swap my phone over to his number and since I had done some research online I wanted to switch to a different plan that would save us on our monthly bill.
A sales associate, Phillip, was able to assist me as soon as I walked in. I let him know what I wanted to do and he got started on making the swap and setting up the new phone (which was in stock thankfully).
Phillip seemed a little spacey. He went in back to get the SIM card for the phone we were swapping numbers on, and came out with everything BUT the SIM card. Then he didn't have his "Sim card tool" and had to go find one.
Phillip really pushed things that would cost me extra, like a $6.99/month insurance plan and a $35 screen cover. I get that he was just doing his job and probably gets in trouble if he doesn't offer all of the additional features and accessories, but it was a little irritating to have to keep saying no.
The most frustrating thing about my visit was that Phillip was not able to switch me to the plan I had found online that would lower our monthly rate. He showed me on an iPad that the plan was the same price as my current plan. This would have been a non-issue, except when I went home I checked again and sure enough, I was able to change to a different plan and save $25 a month.
Aside from a couple minor irritations, I was able to get what I needed fairly quickly. That said, I would recommend doing anything you can via the AT&T website rather than in the store.