| - Well, we had a smooth used vehicle purchase. Probably one of the easiest for the sales guy - a straight cash purchase, with little haggling. No problems there. Our issues began as our temporary registration permit neared expiration. I called the dealership, but got no return call. So, I went to MVD and wasted two hours of my time to find that AutoNation Hyundai Tempe hadn't even sent the registration to the State. I paid for an extension, so we don't get cited.
I finally got in touch with Michael Krause, General Sales Manager there. Guess what? They don't even have the title to our car. Michael said it was in California. They hadn't yet requested it, so couldn't process our registration. Did they call us to tell us? No. Did they offer to do ANYTHING to compensate or apologize for the time I spent at MVD? No. Did he even offer to reimburse us for the registration extension? Nope. They sold us a car for which they didn't have the title, they didn't process our registration, and they did squat to remedy the situation. So, we are still running on (now extended, at my expense) temp registration and we still don't have the title to a car which we purchased outright.