| - It was a beautiful day (I don't remember which day, sorry, but I know it was during the week. They all run together now.) so I went to have lunch on a terrace at 3 Amigos. The place looks like a cheesy chain but it's really big and at night it's usually pretty packed so I had high hopes. Of course, I wanted the Margarita Deluxe, and the menu said you can get a double for an extra $2. However, because it was Deluxe, I paid an extra $4 for the extra shooter. Whatever, that's not too bad.
So the waiter brings me my margarita filled to the brim, already spilling over as he's carrying it. He has the extra shooter with him and when he sets the drink down, he pours the shooter on top and it becomes a tequila waterfall running down on the table. What a waste of $4! Not to mention, the drink tasted pretty watery. Margarita FAIL.
I ordered the chicken enchiladas and those were pretty disappointing too. I'm a huge fan of mixing dark meat in with the white, but it seemed like this was basically all dark meat, and the texture was pretty rough, almost grisly. There wasn't enough sauce (for me, the enchiladas should be almost covered, if not completely) and it tasted like bitter tomato paste. They really scrimped on the cheese (but hey, cheese is ridiculously expensive in Canada). The rice was pretty good but they should just leave out the salad all together. It was just a handful of lettuce with 3 large carrot sticks. Next post will compare the enchiladas and margaritas at 4 restaurants across Montreal :)