It is what it is... a white trash bar in Mesa with plenty of guys in their late 30s trying to fight and mack on chicks like they're juniors at ASU. It is pretty pathetic, but not a whole lot of other choices in Mesa.
If you feel like getting drunk just to deal with the douche baggery of the scene and having to cab it back then it is the place for you. Not much in the way of other bars in the vicinity, so once you've started drinking, you're pretty much stuck.
Last time I was at this bar some drunk guy in a suite started a fight with my table for reasons only known to him.
Some decent looking girls at this bar, but always surrounded by herd sleazy bar guy groupies. Mostly the $30k millionaire types.
I would suggest this place to any guy over 35 who spikes his hair with Wal-Mart brand gel, drives a '98 BMW (bc he defaulted on his '10 lease and had his ride repo'd) and is an avid Jersey Shore fan.... oh, and who's favorite song ever is "Booty Down on Me".