| - This was my first time ever having McDonalds.
HA! Just kidding. I'm a fat McDonald's kid from way back and I love me them fries!
This McDonalds, though, could use some McTraining on McService.
I've actually stopped going to this McDonalds because of how rude they've been in the past to my Husband, who is genuinely the nicest guy in the entire universe (nicer than Bob Ross, even).
Everytime we've gone, they've messed up our order and my Husband would go inside and ask them to fix it in his timid, sweet Canadian voice - "Sorey, but I ordered this without onions and sorey, but my Wife is allergic to onions, so can you make a new one, sorey?" And they would get mad and reluctantly remake their mistake, giving my Husband the McEvil eye, like he was the Hamburgler, trying to get away with a free McDouble. That's a whole $1.39, you McThief!
After my Husband came back last time looking like they kicked his Junior Chicken, we decided to instead give our business to another McDonalds that is one whole mile away from there, and that has way better service - it's actually served with a smile and not a Grimace (Get it? Grimace? He's Ronald McDonald's purple friend? No? Oh, just google it already)!
All in all, head to another McDonald's if you want better service, or maybe even skip McDonalds all together and eat a nutritious salad!
...Now let's all laugh that I said that and scarf down our fries.