| - Most people know what these chain hotels are like. Usually clean, comfortable, relatively spacious with all the things you'll need for your stay as a "single serving friend."
They have a continental breakfast, conference rooms, and business centers. This particular Marriott has a Starbucks, a restaurant (The Steelhead), and event parking. I just call this the Pens hotel because everyone hangs out here before and sometimes after the game.
I do events here when I'm working for Stubhub and we rent rooms out for events when staff flies in. This is the place to pick up last minute ticket sales. I don't think this counts as working for a place? I basically sit in their lobby and make sure people get the right tickets and are directed properly if anything should go wrong. Fraud, wrong ticket deliveries, etc...
The lobby is spacious and on game days teaming with people. They sell $5 beers until game time, saving you $2.75 per beer inside Console. Parking during event days is $20 standard fee. Make sure you pay near the lobby entrance before you get down to the car, then have to run back up.
If you are here for a game, and park, you may want to have a drink at the bar until the traffic settles. That's what we did after the game last night. It was slammed full of unhappy Pens fans. The guys here are just plain weird. HB and I were talking to these older guys about popular new restaurants popping up all over the city when this really "special" dude sat next to me and proceeded to tell me that "I was the most beautiful girl" and to go have a drink with him, AS IF! It was a ballsy move but I say no thanks to cheesy lines from guys trying to get some.
Then this other guy outside was "crying in his beer" because the girl he hooked up with earlier in the day was now with an older gent. Of course he said he didn't actually "like her" but he was upset he wouldn't get the repeat post game lovin' I guess they have colorful clientele. Really? These guys are such winners. Still laughing about it.