| - I have been to this restaurant two times.
Both times, I had issues with my food. I'm not a big complainer at restaurants. I am a good ukranian girl that will usually plow through my meal without noticing a problem. However, both problems were noteworthy to slow down the windmill of noshing and alert a waitress. Neither were high alert infractions, but in both cases, the waitress brought the correct meal, but the kitchen forgot an integral part of what I was paying for.
I'm not going to get into what happened in either instance. However, the reason why I have gone back more than once, depsite some issues is because of how they handle problems.
Both times, they were champions.
The first time, I was offered a replacement meal, plus my item was removed from the bill (wow!). Second time, they simply, yet quickly replaced the item on my place that had issues, (still amazing). They toook ownership, apologized and made it go away.
This is not my experience everywhere, so I want to give The Loop kudos on service and accountability.
The other thing I would like to comment on is the waitresses. They are friendly, helpful and accountable. however, most of them are in yoga pants and a tank top. They do kind of present themselves the same way I would on a sunday afternoon on my couch with a cup of coffee. I'm not suggesting they need to dress up, but it may not be a bad idea for the Loop to put in some type of dress code. Even if it is jeans, it looks better than sweats and a tank top. Just a thought.... :)