Came here during a panthers game with a group of friends. The waitress was very concerned our tabs wouldn't be accounted for since we were all moving around throughout the bar, but we assured her everything would be paid. At the end of the night, myself and 3 friends asked to close out. We had to guess how many drinks we had, she charged us (after a VERY long waiting period) and we left. Then, about an hour later, we got a call from our remaining friend at the bar. He had been charged EVERYTHING. She forgot all of our food and a few of our drinks and stuck him with the items she forgot to add to our tabs. He was left with $160 to be accountable for. Of course we paid him back and got everything figured out, but it should have never ever been an issue. Our tabs should have been correct the first time as to avoid sticking our friend with a massive bill at the end. It was the waitress' mistake and there was absolutely no ownership on her part. Unprofessional, frustrating and absurdly inappropriate.
EDIT 11/4:
I'm going to amend this review from 1 star to 3. The most recent time I was at All American the waitress came up and apologized. I understand accidents happens and everyone is entitled to a bad day every now and then. Especially on busy game days!