On a rainy day in Ft. Mill, what could be better than a British Pub? Even though I am not a beer drinker, my college buddy visiting from Kansas did us proud with the suds. He also chomped down on some fish and chips, while I went for a pretty basic chef salad. It impressed me that this pub offered both traditional fare as well as a number of lighter dishes. There was a very light Monday lunch crowd, which made the noise level almost nothing. Service was excellent. I thought the price was a bit inflated for a lunch for two, coming in at over $50 with the gratuity. The chef salad should have been in the ten dollar range, instead of over $14. The iced tea should not have exceeded $2.00, but it was $2.75. This is why I am giving this a four star review and not a five star one. Otherwise, it was a fine experience inside of Baxter Village. Cheerio.