| - I bought a groupon for She Apparel back in February. I was having issues with the bra strap, it was giving me a rash. Took it in, and a week later, got the bra back, no issues. Then, I was having a different issue with the bra, the front part was cutting my skin, and making me bleed, so I took it back, and they said that their seamstress would be able to put a piece of fabric where it was cutting me.
Fast forward a few weeks, I still hadn't received the bra back, or a phone call. I went into the store asking about the bra, and they said that they thought the seamstress may still have the bra, or a different location, and would call me and let me know status. No phone call for another 2 weeks. Went into the store again, and same story, that it was at seamstress and they would call me. Later that week, still no phone call, so I called, asking for the manager, who said she would find it. By this point, it had been 7 weeks since I went in for an alteration on the expensive, $180 bra. She promised me the bra would be back and in store by Friday. I went in the store on Saturday, and the bra was not there. I ended up getting a refund. But they wouldn't give me a refund for groupon.
It was the worst customer service I have ever received. I spent over $150 on a single item, and was treated with no respect. I will never shop there again.