Visiting LV for the 4th time and I finally found a good place to lay in the grass.
My friend has lived in Vegas for a few years and is a frisbee golfer, much like myself, so he found us a course to go out on. The course itself wasn't amazing, but it was good to get out. There were a lot of obstacles, but not more than I am used to in Madison. I lost a disc in a palm tree, but the grounds person backed his truck up to the tree and let me get on top with rake and shake it free (we found two others too!). I finished +12 (based on all par 3's which they weren't according to the signage) which is a bit high for me, but I haven't been out but twice this year, so I would say that this course is about average. The only problem with the course was that it was very flat (what can you expect in vegas, though?) The upside was there were a lot of shade trees, so you wouldn't get too hot. Decent course.
The rest of the park looked very nice and well maintained. I will defintily be going back next time I visit LV.