Now I remember why I can't/won't work for a cooperate structure anymore...
So I stopped in to an Applebees to have some cold drink & food, the bar tender is so sweet & atentative...every thing was hunky dory until another paytron decides to start being abusive. They stated she comes in all the time, complains, makes a scene & gets stuff for free. I finally had to speak up because the bartender did mot deserve this unwarranted abuse! The manager came out a couple times, spoke with her...and nothing happened! This bartender STILL HAD TO SERVE HER & ENDURE MORE OF HER B.S.!!! W.T.H.?!?!
Having worked the industry & still having friends in the industry....I am slamming corporate but GIVING HUGE CUDOS to Rachel at Applebee's on 9330 W. Northern in Glendale. I didn't let that belligerent ruin my experience & I'll be back, ONLY when Rachel is there!
Also my burger was overcooked, bun was dry & everything over salted.
Honestly...the only good part about my experience was the staff.