Dr. Judge is hands-down the BEST chiropractor I have ever found. And I'm bummed I'm moving and won't be able to get his services anymore. This place is walk-in only, low $29 a visit or you can get four visits a month for $49 (minimum two-month contract) then you can cancel anytime. No pressure to cancel and it's so easy to just walk in. The low price is due to that fact that they don't do insurance. I've never had to wait more than 10 minutes. One visit made my muscles spasm (they had been so out of whack for so long) so I called Dr. Judge to make sure it was most likely from the adjustment and not a medical issue. He was so nice to follow up with me later that evening to make sure I was okay. He even researched it on the web for me and found it was from my muscles reacting to be put back to where they should have been all along. I would highly recommend Dr. Judge and this approach to chiropractic! You can visit any of their locations if you have the contract. They are everywhere, but the Dr.'s are just different.