Updated on my pet condition and reactions from Dr.Bostro shocked me.. i called left message for Dr. He finally called back after 2 days of messages left with receptionist. I explained everything. He claimed he had nothing to do with groomer,that was in his hospital. That she was self contracted but denied was employed by hospital. Dr.Bostro compared my pet being butchered. As to him going to get a haircut.and him not liking it his haircut! I took my pet to a veterinarian .Dr explained to me they were BURNS on my Pet from blades of clippers.. not nicks and cuts as i assumed. My pet is traumatised,so stressed and in pain. Since going to this groomer. Pet has had diarrhea and vomiting from stress and anxiety of this dramatic experience. My pet has always been healthy and no health problems till this incident. This is animal cruelty please don't board,hospitalized or groom your pet at this business. Or you will regret it