| - Most products are brands you've never heard of, but they're almost always at least as good as the brand names, and often better and cheaper. Most of their products are available all the time, but they have specials on items that are only available for that week. These include food items, but also random products like house fans, pool toys, or a stainless grill that we got for half the price it sold for elsewhere. Grab the circular on the way out
They take many measures to make the stores efficient to run with as few employees as possible, but are pretty good about making sure they have enough registers staffed as needed. A few things that you'll want to know about in advance are that you need to put a quarter in to take a shopping cart, but you get it back once you return it. I'm assuming this is to save having to pay for someone to round up carts all day, but also keeps the parking lot from being littered with them. They also don't bag for you, they put your items in a second cart, which you take to a long table where you bag them yourself. Bring your own re-usable bags, or you can buy paper ones for a few cents if you don't have any. They only take cash and debit, not credit, probably to save on transaction fees.
One interesting thing you'll notice is that since the store started in Germany, they're laid out to enter and shop clockwise around the store, as opposed to pretty much all US stores.