| - Tempe Public Library is the library of my past, my present, and my future. When I was knee-high, my mom would take me to the library to check out books every week. I enjoyed browsing through the aisles and flipping through the pages of bright illustrations and short but charming stories. It was here that I developed my love for reading. As I got older and progressed to junior high school and high school, this was the library for research papers, or to read various classics and modern novels. This library was the site of the annual high school art show, where some of my drawings and paintings were shown. Over the years the library has changed in appearance and in some cases, content, as the DVD section grows and a large portion of the library is now devoted to computers, but it still holds many memories that I will cherish, and will continue to build upon. Although I've traveled to many places, lived in various cities, this will always be #1 in my list of best libraries. : )