Aargh...damn you La Casa Tazumal! Why did you have to stuff me and husband full of amazing pupusas, tamales, pastels, horchatas and cabbage for a measly $13.71?! Why was the service so wonderful that when the lady serving us saw our friends piling their leftover pupusas and cabbage into the same container, she insisted on getting them a plastic baggy for the cabbage so that the pupusas wouldn't get soggy?!
Until yesterday, I was a Pupuseria La Bendicion girl all the way. Now, I can't decide which pupuseria I should be partial to!
Hmmm...that's not such a bad problem to have, is it? I can be partial to both! I am just going to have to eat twice as many pupusas in the future!
Of course that is just so that I can be fair to both places...not because I am a glutton or anything.
Aah...moral dilemma resolved. Now to chart up a calendar of future visits...