| - Its with sadness that I write this review. The online reviews are all raves (see below). The store looks beautiful. Its right down the street from my house - designer dresses at all price points. Phoenix not generally being a bastion of fashion, I was relatively sure I was going to end up trekking to LA or NY to end up getting my dress until I found Schaffer's online.
So flash forward to my first ever bridal dress shopping experience. When I made my reservation, I very clearly described the style of dress I was searching for, but also noted that I was open to trying some different styles to get a feel for not only what I liked, but what would look good on me. I was assured on the phone that I would have lots of variety and we would spend time trying a few things to figure it out. When I showed up and shared pictures of what I described on the phone, the sales lady realized immediately that they didn't have one dress that fit my requirements or anywhere near them. (Btw - which consisted of an open budget and the description of sheath style, silk or satiny material, and not strapless: not totally unreasonable requests.) The sales lady was really kind, and very complimentary of my taste and aesthetic, but it didn't help the fact that there was not one style as I described it, and that nobody warned me that my options would be limited or nonexistent when I made my appt. I wasted everyone's time, including the people who were with me at my appt. and drove 40 mins to get there from South Phoenix. So, to kind of recover and not make it a total bust I tried to prod for dresses that other girls my age, size, style had been buying lately. Maybe I could try a few of those on and see if anything struck me. Instead I was told what I was looking for was probably the right thing and there wasn't any other style she could suggest.
Yes, I walked out of the store without trying on one dress, while my incredibly sweet family tried to cheer me up and tell me not to be disheartened, I sit here, writing this review, totally disheartened and not looking forward to something that everyone else tells me is one of the most fun parts of getting married.