| - So, I've been hearing a lot about this placed called Even Steven's that had opened recently in downtown. So I thought I'd give it a try after taking a look at their menu. Clever and funny it is at the same time. So after finding a parking space, I make my way to the sandwich shop.
My first impression of the joint was to immediately turn around and walk out. The place oozed millennial / hipster / Scottsdale-Bro mentality, pretty much everything I despise about the people running around off their meds in today's world... But then again, I am posting this with a smartphone, so yes I see the irony...
Moving on... I make my way to the counter and was greeted promptly. Plus. I told the hostess that I'd like to place a carryout order for two Do Gouda sandwiches, one without the red onions with the marmalade on the side. No potato salad? Fail. So plain photo chips that I'm pretty sure were Lays was what we got.
Fast forward nearly twenty minutes, my take out order is ready. Twenty min for two sandwiches when I'm the only one in the store? Did you have to go out back and round up the cow, and smoke the gouda while I waited really? Fail. Both orders went into two separate bags... okay whatever.
Meet up with the other person who wanted the sandwich, the one who wanted hers without the red onions and the marmalade on the side, well, sure enough, onions were on the sandwich as was the marmalade after the bag was clearly written on saying otherwise. Fail. And these people want $15 an hour, really???
Okay fine, whatever, I'm hungry and I dig into my sandwich. Now, I will say, these guys do make a mean roast beef and gouda. Damn good really. Plus. Aside from the boring Lays photo chips, the sandwich was absolutely awesome.
The greatness of the food greatly offsets the millennial / hipster dirty feeling one gets from walking into this place I will say that. I'm not sure I will return to the downtown location for this reason, and well, parking is a hassle, but I will have to go check out one of their other valley locations.