| - I'm so in love with this place. I think they have the best steaks in Vegas besides the Michelin starred restaurants, but I don't know... maybe even then. I get the New York Strip with a bleu cheese crust. Oh. Em. Gee! I got the bleu cheese and bacon one time and found the bacon to be a bit much. I mean, they're BIG, THICK slices of bacon. I saved them for a BLT the next day
Mark is my favorite server. He knows when I say "lots of garlicks" on my garlic spinach, I mean LOTS *on* my garlic spinach. Other servers, bless their hearts, will either forget and bring me a side of cold garlicks or remember and put on, like 4.
Whichever way, the service is fantastic. I've never had a problem even when I'm in everyone's way, stalking the bar, waiting for someone to leave because I didn't make a reservation.
We usually go during happy hour because it's totally worth it for us because we love steak. There's no happy hour pricing for the cocktails, but the cocktail menu is practically a history lesson. It's especially great for people who like rum (I personally can't drink it), but they can substitute other liquors if you prefer. I did catch a side eye one time when I did, but the bartenders are artists, and I accept their judgment. I usually get a glass of sparkling wine because they serve it in those short, wide champagne glasses instead of the tall flutes. I don't know why this tickles me, but it does :)
My favorite, favorite place to eat right now. See you guys soon for my birthday!