O no I have acquired another habit, The macaroons of Le napoleon , I love them. The location is a little hidden but noting a true foodie couldn't find and this place is well worth it. My favorite flavors that I tried were pistachio, raspberry, coconut, and lavender. I tried other flavors but I though it might be over kill so say they are all my favorite. The texture is light and airy and when I bite into one of these cookies I think this is what a cloud taste like. The chef here told me he had been making macrons for 44 years and it shows. People are born with many talents and his is to bake. I will be visiting here to try different desserts but if the delicacy, artfulness, and skill he posses all shine through in these cookies I don't think I can handle a cake or chocolate made with that level of skillfulness I would 400 pound. So to say this is a five star bakery would be a disgrace. Stop in for your self and taste the 10 star flavors.