Do yourself a big favor and find somewhere else to give your business. There are so many other good dealers out there. Find one that isn't owned by Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire owned groups only focus on profit. They are NOT focused on customer service. I was looking for an electric car. Bmw dealership let me take the i3 out for an entire weekend test drive. I asked if Van Chevrolet had similar. I wanted to try the Chevy Bolt. They said the only way was to sign ownership paper for the vehicle, if I didn't like it, return car within 24 hours. I signed at 7pm Sunday evening. I like the vehicle, but wanted to try one other vehicle.
I didn't have another driver to bring me to dealer by 7pm Monday to return the car. I figured I would bring car to dealer when doors opened next day. (It would only be 2 business hours late in return). They said I now OWN that vehicle!! $46,000!! They wouldn't let me out of contract. I've never experienced this type of money-hungry dealings at a dealership. Are these cars that undesirable that they have to make a sale ANY way possible?!
I've talked to other dealers since, and they explained that that is how Berkshire dealerships operate. Everything from management to sales to service is pushed to make money no matter what unscrupulous tactics are needed. They have meetings upon meetings to fine-tune their tactics. There is no desire to "place you in the right that suits you". ..nope.....they want to sell you anything, any way possible. From vehicle to Sevice. They are out to make money only. Just look at the reviews. (PS, I write both positive and negative reviews. I'm not just a hater)