I cheated on my Moe's addiction and checked this place out today - YUM! I tried the veggie burrito and was impressed with the myriad of choices I had: cilantro or tomato rice? Tomato, please! Wheat or flour tortilla? Wheat, please! What kind of salsa? The spiciest!
The veggies were delicioso! Grilled squash, zucchini, eggplant, onions and peppers, they kicked every other burrito place's veggies to shame! The tomato rice was a fun, flavorful change from the norm and the staff was really friendly though a bit tough to understand (just go with the old point and nod, you'll be fine when ordering!).
Pricing was very good ($5.69 for my burrito w/ chips and salsa!) and the eatery was clean and well stocked. Definitely will try again - those tortas intrigue me! :D