| - I went last nite (Sat) with a party of four adults, one six year old, one two year old and a seven month old. I tried to make reservations for six thirty but the man who answered the phone informed me that it was first come first serve during the peek hours. We showed up at the restaurant at seven twenty and entered what can only be described as an organized mess of hungry Asians waiting for a table.
Tip 1: Seven twenty on Sat nite is not a good time for Spoonful, especially if you are starving.
The front desk staff were courteous and friendly despite the mayhem and quickly added me to the waiting list stating that it would be about a forty minutes. Not bad considering the amount of my bredrin that were packed into the front waiting area. So off we went, my Bae Nikki and I, leaving behind our friends and family to begin our pre-table eat.
Tip 2: "Blending In". Straight to the bar and grab a Coors Light. Casually enter buffet area and grab a plate for you and your Bae. Now own it.
We toured the buffet eating as we walked around. How sweet the taste of food. Our faces stained with sauce we returned to our friends and family who managed to find a seat in the crazily packed waiting room. I bought another Beer for my buddy and we waited patiently for our table. Twenty minutes later we were seated and eating. OMGoodness. The crazy line ups for food.
Tip 3: "The Art of Budding". Lol. In and out fast. You find the hole in the line and boom, hit it. Some people tend to take their sweet a$$ time when taking food from the buffet which causes the "Hole Effect". It is when a space opens up in the buffet line and a skilled Ninja, such as myself, can swoop in, grab and swoop out before anyone notices. Sometimes even staying in that position in the line. Remember this, OWN IT.
Well like most every reviewer before me, Spoonful is good. Food is tasty. Seafood section is aight. Try to avoid prime hours. The servers can try harder at cleaning off the tables. Water was refilled promptly. I sweets, candy and ice cream selection was good. Especially "The Wheel of Ice Cream Fortune" thingy. The buffet lines died down at around nine o'clock. Everything in with tax and tip was Two Hundred and ten dollars. Four adults and,,,,,, whatever. Yelpers I salute you.