I had a hankering for ramen and thought that this would be as good of a place as any to get some. Ramen, for those of you that don't know, is a Japanese noodle soup with a meat broth (usually pork).
I started my order by asking for some genmaicha. This is a standard brown rice tea that is widely available. I was told they didn't have any so I settled on just, "green" tea. When the tea arrived at my table I took a sip, BAM! Genmaicha in my cup. They had no idea what I had asked for.
I ordered the spicy pork ramen. I asked about the broth and was told it was miso broth. Miso broth is made from salt, soy and seaweed. See above about the broth.
The meal came, it was spicy and flavorful. There was maybe three small bites of thinly sliced pork. It cost me $10. I felt ripped off.
I might try the sushi here if anyone can tell whether or not it's good.