| - City of Las Vegas the sin city has something for everybody and i mean everybody.
if you want sightseeing
it offers trips to the grand canyon , the hoover dam
if you want
fine dining it has that in abundance .
gambling .
.of course. and slot machine everywhere they are at the airport and ive seen them in the rest rooms ( joking)
if your taste is
broadway type shows there are many usually at less than broadway prices
available 24/7 no blue laws here .
plenty of mails full of all the top designers from the world of fashion
night life
Las Vegas is renowned for its late night clubs situated in the best and most exclusive casino/hotels
something for kids
yes . circus circus and .many other attractions to keep them occupied
adult entertainment
if thats what rocks your boat .
a trip to the bunny ranch is a 2 hours drive away .
you can swim, play golf, rock climb , ski etc or just watch live games in the sports bars of the hotels .
Yes and for those who lead a more sheltered life there are churches of all denominations .
every type of social pleasure is catered for here .
Ive been visiting Las Vegas for 20 odd years now and it only gets better.
I remember some of the old casinos like the *Dunes * stardust *that have been replaced by larger magnificent architectural masterpieces that offer everything from gambling to fine dining and everything in between. these resorts cover what in any other city would be a whole block .
yes the newer ones are a little more expensive room wise but specials can be had almost anytime of the year just research the net for what you need .
the older casinos have the best deals but you only get what you pay for .
had a timeshare for years which was used to stay at * polo towers * but with the increasing cost each year of the exchange clubs and the maintenance it was found to be cheaper to ditch the *time share* and go with the ever present specials .
the price of everything has of course increased as much to do with the popularity of the town as the economy.
in most hotels restaurants a price of a beer is around $7 and there is not so many freebees to get you to gamble / eat /stay at a certain casino .
the magic of the city is still there
its vibrant ,the lights along the strip .its people friendly and safe, you can walk along the strip with your camera slung over your shoulder with not much of a chance of it getting snatched .
.no need to rent a car not easy and expensive to park there is a bus service goes up and down the street every 10 mins or so and some of the hotels have a overhead train service called monorail free connecting them, there are plenty of taxis to be hailed at a reasonable cost .
anyway walking along the strip is fun, full of hustlers selling time share presentations , or handing out flyers depicting nude girls and the clubs they can be found in .
then there are the street musicians ,artists and of course ELVIS * lots of them* with the water ballet at the bellagio , the volcano at the mirage, and the pirate show at treasure island you can have a whole days entertainment without spending a dime .
im in love with Vegas, yes its a bit decadent thats what makes it great, my favourite vacation spot and i go there as often as i can
.what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas !
..well you judge that for yourself