Everything's good... Has never struck me as dirty or ghetto. Except one time I saw an empty Equate Pregnancy Test box that had been torn open. New carts would be like diving into a perfect ocean.. or at least clean off some of the hair that's caught around every single wheel, making it harder to turn or push. They always have terrible alignment. Also can something be done about the static electricity? I get shocked whenever I touch anything in the store, metal or not.
A lot of time cashiers complain about not taking their breaks.. Probably 7 times out of 10 I get to the register and the cashier starts yelling to their nearest coworker that they still haven't taken their break yet.
Would be cool if they restocked throughout the night.. if you go really early in the morning a lot of things might not be stocked yet. On the other hand 5-9pm and weekends are crazy crowded with families and it will take twice as long as usual to get shopping done. Also I've learned to check out the cashier before I get in line if I'm buying alcohol.. if the cashier isn't 21 yet they'll have to get someone else to ring it up for you, which can end up taking awhile if no one is available.