| - Really disappointed in the "first impression." I had been following Green Brothers on instagram & was looking forward to visiting the shop & doing a three day cleanse. One post posed the question of a cleanse & advertised getting a cooler tote with purchase of three or five day cleanse. For me, this was more motivation, since there was an easier way to transport the glass bottles of juice to work.
Fast forward a couple of weeks, I made the decision to cleanse. I went in on Tuesday (of this week) & inquired. I was told they would have to prepare it & could I come back tomorrow at 1:30. "Sure", I said. The employee filled out a homemade chart (with other customers). I paid & left. The next morning, I received a call, stating they were out of a couple of the juices. Did I want to replace or ...? I asked could I come get them on Friday at 11 AM? I was told I could.
Today arrives (Friday) & I got there at 11. The girl who took my order on Tuesday was at the register, but walked away. So another employee came up. I told her I was there to pick up my three-day cleanse. She gets the folder out & looks confused already. I knew something was wrong. My information was not to be found, initially. She pulled out one bag from under the counter & had to put together the other two days, pulling from their "grab & go" case. She began putting them in other plastic bags. Clearly, these bags were not made to hold 6+ glass bottles. She helped me take them out to the car & I even mentioned to her, "I thought I was going to get a cooler tote with this?" She either ignored me or didn't know how to respond.
I'm excited about the cleanse & know it will do me well, but I paid $160 for the cleanse & felt I wasn't treated very professionally. The employees just don't seem to be customer focused. The store is cute, though!
Will potentially update my review after the cleanse.