Well below average and not worth going to. This is the most over rated restaurant on the strip. I think Paris Hilton made it famous by having their overpriced dessert, and that alone should have told me that it is going to be a bad experience.
As others have also posted, we had reservations and were on a time crunch for a lunch break between meetings, which is why we made reservations. We had about an hour and a half to eat before my wife had to return to her conference. Well after waiting 45 minutes to be seated after the time our reservation was set for, and then another 15 minutes for our server to show up, we made the mistake of ordering.
Well, my wife did not get to eat because the food took so long and she had to return to her conference. I stuck around for our server to finally re-appear and had them box up our food, which never made it to our table.
After all that the food and fries were less then average and not worth the time, effort, or money it took to get them. There are a hundred better places to eat in Vegas, don't be fooled by this place!