God awful, their food is bland and their service is horrible. I had to ask for chips and salsa, the chips are large clumps of garbage, and the salsa is flavorless much like the rest of their overpriced food, and to think, I walked around hungry for 2 hours before deciding on this less than classy joint. The wait for a table was 1 1/2 hour, couldn't find a seat at the bar for at least an hour. No one has time for that when they're hungry!!
The hosts walk around yelling their reservation names, and if that doesn't make your cringe, they also go out on the sidewalk yelling out their reservation names. But hey, let's get back to the boring food here. Their ice tea tastes like sh**! I think I'm going to be sick.
The plates come with black beans and no rice. I've never been served a plate of Mexican food without refried beans and rice. This place flat out sucks. I'm convinced that there's no such thing as good Mexican food in the Phoenix Metro area. I've lived here for 5 years now and just about every Mexican food place out here SUCKED! I hate this Sonoran garbage. Eating cardboard would be more flavorful than this crap. Can't wait to go back to Texas. This sonoran BS leaves a bad taste in my mouth.