I already don't like football that much, but I like bar food and drinks. My boyfriend is a fan of a certain Midwestern team that is often not shown in bars around here. We called ahead and they said yes, come on down, we are playing it. Once we arrived we asked to sit in that section. The television they played it on was on the wall of the long booth near the bar, sort of a weird angle to try to watch it. With craned necks, we asked if they would consider switching us to an area in their mostly empty restaurant to be more comfortable. We were told no. We ordered some food, and it was very low quality. With such a great location and less than 10 feet away from a Whole Foods, how can an establishment serve such a mediocre burger and mushy chicken wings? Next, I'd like to address the soda gun on the bar that is available for the waitresses to use. It is not attached to a holder. It is used and placed on the bar counter where the bartender passes the drinks. I saw the soda gun used for multiple refills and get knocked into the trashcan below. The waitresses would retrieve it and replace it on the bar without even a swipe of the sanitizer towel. I would only recommend to order bottled beer as it is the safest item to consume here. By the way, everything is sticky.