| - So as soon as you walk in this shop it is a cut above the rest. Nice, bright, clean, and minimalist design lend a great atmosphere to this business that most Vegas Vape Shops are missing. Being greeted by the employees as soon as I walked through the door even though they were all currently busy with a customer sends a nice signal as well. Keep in mind that the item I purchased was under $20.
What I walked into the store for was a iGO W drip atomizer and what I walked out with was much better. After I told Kevin(who is awesome) what I was looking for, he showed me around to all the different RDA(Rebuildable Drip Atomizer) and let me know my options. After I told him the price range I was looking for, he showed me some cheaper options but confirmed what I had already researched(after I asked him specifically), which that this piece was the best bang for my buck. Let's buy it.
Next step he tells me that the current drip tip that I had was going to burn. Then He allows me to test this before deciding to purchase my own by letting me use his mod with my drip tip, and low and behold, he was right.
After he is done building it, it turns out that all the material was different from my RBA tank I was currently using and gave me some extra building material free of charge. Even further, The current vape I was using was a 18mg solution that when I hit it with the new RDA just floored me. So what does good guy Kevin do? Hands me the rest of his juice for free so I can enjoy the vape with tolerable nicotine levels(by the way his juice was incredible not to sweet, smooth, with great flavor).
If you are looking for a top notch place that is clean and a little more trendy without the pretentious nature, this would be your spot. I will be coming back to this spot.