This is an excellent spot to stock up on your favourite Korean and Japanese staples.
The depth of Japanese products is impressive although some of the pricing on them seems a bit steep. This could be due to the current value of the yen skewing the ratios as I remember them. Still, I was pretty thrilled to pop open a can of Pocari Sweat (worst named best sports drink EVER) on a particularly hot day. They also maintain a pretty good selection of the Japanese snack crack, Pocky and Pretz - including the hard to find Coconut/Chocolate Pocky! Oh yeah - I meant to say "crack" not crackers - try them - you'll see...
Their Korean product selection is comprehensive, and they seem to have upped their game vis-a-vis the prepared foods lately. While you may still come across the occasional miss in that department, the hit ratio is waaaaay up from just a year ago.
While Bloor St. Fruit just across the street is my "Go To" produce place, P.A.T. does have some excellent pricing on certain items - 2 packs of Enoki mushrooms for $1.79??? I was using them as noodles at that price! They are essentially mushroom heaven at this point; a reliable source for King Oyster, fresh shitake, and other versatile varieties.
The store is clean (cleaner than any No Frills or Price Chopper I've strolled through...), well stocked, and the staff is actually quite friendly and helpful. It is now a major stop on my weekly shopping tour!