| - Knocks the socks off of Samurai Sams. The gentleman that helped me was very pleasant and helpful. I had never ventured to a Yogi's Grill before but I am very happy I did. The quality of the all white meat chicken chicken teriyaki entree I ordered was great, it had that outer, flavorful, crisp grilled char but still maintained the inner meat moistness that should be provided and it was. You don't have to request nor pay an up-charge for white meat here cause that is how it is served son, all white.The sauce was good, really good. I, shockingly liked the regular sauce versus the spicy sauce. This is not normal of me. Could have been a moment, could have been an awakening to what I now consider a sweet tooth. I did not know I possessed sweet over heat. But I did and I liked it. Really good. Great cook on the rice, clean restaurant, friendly staff, good price and options...whats left?...oh, that's right, FIVE STARS :)