Came by to catch up with some folks and grab a drink the other night. To my surprise this was a rather horrific experience...
The Alibi cocktail lounge is across the walkway from Jean Philippe Patisserie.
The ordering process was rather complicated and convoluted as our waitress informed us that she could only "split" the check in 2 unless we wanted to order and sit at the bar?!?
She later informed us that we needed our ID in order to charge to our room along with the card if we were to pay via card... After a good 10 minutes, we got our drinks....except that there were 2 issues:
1. We were charged for 6 drinks when the 5 folks in our group each only had 1 drink?!?
2. The bill was "split" 90%+ and less than 10%?!?
The receipt had 2 lines for "tip" - Service and Bus?!?
...the waitress was nowhere to be found after she brought out our order and check?!?
Some folks wanted to smoke and cleared it with the staff that smoking in the lounge was okay after 10 pm...after lighting up, the bouncer comes by to inform us that smoking is only allowed after 10:30 pm. the time the folks stepped out for a cigarette, the bouncer came back stating that they are now okay to smoke inside the lounge?!?
~$12/drink after tax and tip