I know, I know. Rolf's is overrated, overpriced and the Gainey Village location is especially seething with the self-important, overly coiffed Scottsdale elite BUT I can't help myself. When I want a really good cut, color and style, I bite the bullet and go to Rolf's. For in-between highlights, I've found some solid, cheaper alternatives (I'll get to those, I promise) but when the time comes for an overhaul, I go to a master stylist who trained under "Mr. Rolf" and does a rockin' job. I had one bad experience there where my regular stylist was out so I went to a newly hired hairdresser. Bad idea. The color was a hideous dishwater green. But I made a color correction appointment with my regular stylist and she fixed it to perfection and didn't charge a dime. So maybe I'm part of the Scottsdale overly coiffed elite on occasion but it's MY HAIR, people!