Looking around your house/condo, are there china set, glass wares, furniture that looks like it might worth something? Maybe your parent's set of crystal wine glass worth a couple hundred dollars? Or that turn of the Century armoire which looks out of place with the rest of your furnishing might get you a $1000??
Around The Block is the place that might answer your question or even help you sell those items on consignments. You can either email or come in with the smaller item or a photo for an estimate.
Even if you have nothing to sell, browsing around Around The Block is definitely fun. Waterford Stemware, Bernardaud and Royal Albert China Set, Antique furniture and even some keepsake boxes and jewellery!
Since the turnover of merchandise is really fast, definitely worth your while to come back and check often! The pricing is quite competitive, the longer you wait, the cheaper it might get but it might be gone by the time you decide to buy though....