Dear South Point Casino Slot Machine Techs,
I arrived at your Casino around 4:45pm on 4/28/18 when your entire system went down. I waited about an hour and a half for an attendant to come refund my money. In that time I observed hundreds of people yelling and throwing tantrums at the techs asking where their money is. I just have one thing to say to this, Thank you techs for working as hard as you possibly could to get everyone taken care of as fast as possible. On behalf of all of the a-holes out there who feel the need to scream and yell at you. Just know there are others who see how hard you were working to help take care of the problem. Keep your chin up and thanks again for doing such a great job. Also thank you to all of the girls bringing drinks to the customers waiting. Despite having to wait, I was never thirsty. I will be back to the south point for more fun. And To anyone reading this who is hesitant to go, just know that this is the best spot to hang out in Vegas off the strip. Especially if you are a fan of bingo!