| - I feel like this may be the most unnecessary of all of my reviews.
Kennywood is amazing. There. Review over. Wait, I need to back up my statement, you say?
-Kennywood is a historic landmark in Pittsburgh. Where else can you enjoy a day at an amusement park and still say you visited a historic place?
-Potato Patch Fries. Just, Potato Patch fries. You feel the months slipping off of your life and you don't even care while eating them!
-Classic wooden coasters - Jackrabbit, anyone?
-Contemporary coasters - Phantom's Revenge, anyone?
-Great rides in general - Name any ride you like here.
-Special events - I adore Kennywood's special events. Fright Night's here are a lot of fun - and as packed as it can get, a Fright Night here still allows you to enjoy far more than a Halloween event at bigger places like Cedar Point. Kennywood also has one of the most beautiful Christmas Light Shows you'll ever set eyes on, and believe me, it is well worth venturing from your house to see these (yes, even when the temperature drops to single digits. Or maybe I'm just insane).
If you haven't been here yet, check it out. If you haven't been here yet and you live nearby, FOR SHAME! And go check it out - as soon as the snow melts and they reopen.