I took Wendy last night to have a dinner to a place that I found in Scottsdale rd from google and was so sad we were nice dressed and pretties but one mesera no's trato so bad she though that Wendy was drunk for the way she' was walking ? and push me out she said I'm not going to give you any drink and you need to get out from my place ladies and we were just at the door I was so mad I called her bitch many times I talk to the manager and many people was watching so bad Wendy was sad we went back home so please if you want to go instagram whatever it is media please write a bad review that wasn't right she push me and I said don't touch me bitch you r so stupid and we left ::: so this is the place name and was around 11pm SORRY FOR MY VOCABULARY but I'm still so mad that's not right my sister have medical issues after her accident and surgeries she's not available to walk right and this people from this place though that she probably was drunk and push me out from the door. So that was so rude and totally wrong I will tell my whole family and friends don't go there and probably because we are Latin people they treated us so bad.... I talk to the manager or owner and she didn't done anything that people don't know anything about business and are very unprofessional.....SO sad. And you guys don't deserve any star I just picked one to write this out.