| - (Author's note: this review refers to the "Cones" truck, not the "Sticks" truck)
I'm not typically a fan of soft-serve ice cream, but since the Cones truck of Sticks and Cones parks itself in front of Gateway Village on a weekly basis, I figured, what the hell, it's hotter than the surface of the sun right now, and nothing quenches heat like a nice cold ice cream, Well, there are other things that quench a thirst, but since there isn't a beer truck that caters to Gateway Village, an ice cream truck will do.
But hot damn, I do love me their soft-serve, so soft and gooey and not so sweet. The Cones specializes in soft-serve sundaes, and there are several different combinations to choose from. I opt for the Carolina Gold, a spectacular concoction complete with caramel topping, chocolate topping, white chocolate sauce, crushed vanilla wafers. Oh my! So sinful. Screw my diet!
Check 'em out when you get a chance. You'll find them Friday nights at the Food Truck Night on South End, and you won't regret it. So what are you waiting for? The Cones is a hell of a lot better than the junk served up at TCBY or any of the other obnoxious DIY yogurt joints flooding the market these day. Man, those places suck.