| - Good old CVS. Way overpriced medications if you have to pay cash. One prescription antihistamines is over 200 dollars for a 3 month supply from CVS and little over 30 dollars at Costco (which you don't need a membership to use their pharmacy btw)
If you need a scheduled two medication filled, good luck if you want it filled at CVS. If it's not in stock, they won't hold the script and fill it when it comes in stock. They won't tell you over the phone if they have it in stock if you call ahead. Understandable, where it gets stupid, is when you present them with a valid prescription and they refuse to call any other CVS pharmacy to ask where it could be filled. One time, after traveling to four different CVS's, I broke down in tears, frustration and pain and begged the technician to help. She called a location she thought might have it in stock, and she got her butt chewed by that location for trying to help me, but they did have it, and they did fill it. After that experience, I switched pharmacies to Costco, and never looked back. CVS is a convenience store that also happens to dispense medications, and because of that, you get convenience store service at convenience store inflated prices. Unless there's a medication that you have to have at 3 AM (and it happens) I would stay the heck away.