| - Hello yelp,
I was writing to let every potential student know "DO NOT ATTEND THIS SCHOOL".
I started this school because I was interested in cosmetology, after attending the school for 260 hours-out of 1800 course, I decided 260 hours was enough, cosmetology is not for me. So I withdrew from the program.
Turns out, if you want to withdraw from the school, they will charge you an excruciating amount of money, even if you legitimately are not interested in the career. So I went for to 260 hours and they are charging me a whopping total of $$$ 7, 500!!! How doe's that sound? ABSURD RIGHT?!
For students looking to get into a career and do not have a large established finance-which is MOST students- THIS SCHOOL WILL ROB YOU-SERIOUSLY. This school sets you up to pay them weather you are satisfied with the school or not. If you sign to go you better plan to stay and pay pay $20,000!
They do not care about the student they only care about you becoming a student paycheck, they set you up to pay the school alot, even if you decide you do not want to go (the contract payment agreement-is actually unreal). WHAT A RIP OFF!
When you go to make an appointment everyone who works there will make you feel confident about going, they will warm you up, and SELL you into going.
Pssshh, if you do not want to be ripped off for learning how to do hair and makeup, go to a community college that offers the program-it is the most reasonable. This school seems well put together when you walk through, they use RedKen and things everything look nice and great, but it is not worth it- TRUST ME!! The education taught is not worth what you will pay. IT'S RIDICULOUS-
When you walk through and they show you around the school, understand and REMEMBER you are like a $20,000 guaranteed paycheck walking through the door, they will do anything to get you to go to school here. ((((BEWARE))))-