If this wasn't a hospital I would swear they are trying to kill people here.
My brother died here but while he was in the ER being" helped" the ER docs was scolding him about his lifestyle then tells him he will never be able to work in his profession again once he gets out. How in the world does that help anyone ?? Lame!
Now my poor mom who has dementia has been there 24 hrs and it's a complete train wreck of care! We went to pick her up and they did something to make her mental state a million times worse then on top of the wrong medication unnecessarily given to cause that they want to give her another anti psychotic medication that clearly says it's not for the elderly with dementia and she elderly with dementia ! Then they ask us her family when was the last time she pooped! For gods sake she been in your care for over 24 hrs and now she worse , you want to give her another wrong med and you don't even know when she had a bowl movement! That's just a few examples of the complete lunacy I'm seeing that they call health care there. I swear unless I have a broken bone you will never see me in there again!