| - Seriously ... What the sh1t !
I went for a late night craigslist deal just before midnight and was so hyped over my killer buy that i didn't want to go straight home. I don't eat fast food (if i can help it) and i simply felt for a coffee and not from a gas station. My trusty Yelp app to the rescue which took me to The Lodge Coffee House & Tavern.
First thing i noticed was the flashing signage out front that revealed a deal i could not say no to. $2.99 ANY SIZE Pumpkin Spice Latte, YES please. This reminds me of when i was in Seattle and Tully's coffee did the same thing and i returned everyday of my vacation for the same promo deal and of course great coffee. Starbucks, CBTL, etc never offer anything of this sort and certainly not any size. Walking in was a trip but it wasnt as terrible as i expected. When i think tavern i think sad dull bar atmosphere with addicted video poker players, smoking cigarettes, not my cup of tea. But this place is not too shabby, decent decor, a little more lively, certainly a decent patio area to sit outside and the guy behind the counter was pretty upbeat and sociable. My Pumpkin Latte surprised me as it was not too sweet, the perfect drinking temp, and with the promo the perfect cost to end a night of deal hunting. I will be back.. for another latte this week and in the future to see if they continue the trend of promo deals, and i might even find myself working out of the patio area one afternoon who knows. Keep it up guys, this place doesnt suck and you surprised me.