| - Jumping right in on this one. Want a hot dog? Make one yourself at home. I guaranteed the time that your spend on the couch watching your favorite show and boiling up a few hotdogs and that .89 cent pack of hotdog buns you invested in, will be worth the extra time that you spend hunting around your refrigerator and cabinets for some extra special kick ass ingredients to your liking. Compared to tossing $6 to the wind and watching it roll away when you could have done so much more with $6.
Bottom line, this place is a joke and I don't need to eat another one to confirm it. Here's what happened: upon looking at a menu that an unnamed person printed out ( I ain't gon say no names) I was not impressed at all. H.D.D. You really need to revamp your menu. Yeah it's cool to have a lot of varieties and all that but if you're claiming you have the best of something make sure it's the best of something. Don't tell me I'm getting a "Chicago" dog and it's really a Willoughby dog. Rename it and recreate it because that is NOT a Chicago anything.
Next; to each it's own but me personally, I rather not see crushed up chips on the menu as a topping for my hot dogs. Really? My first impression is lazy and ghetto. For example, I saw a "paper" flier advertising hot dogs for Cinco de Mayo. How about you try; con queso cheese sauce, chorizo, fresh salsa, jalapeño relish and avocado? (Sorry if I copied of someone but literally just came up with that from the tip of my taste buds.) Instead, crushed up nachos and salsa were the toppings offered from this establishment. Do you see my frustration? Offer the chips on the side. If you want to continue with that theme here's one, hot dog, plain chips, and a packet of hot sauce. (eye roll) There's a classic, smh this is elementary! Why?
Why am I upset: Because, I wanted to try their Hot Diggity Dog . . . Naturally because it's named after the place so it's got a be good.
This is the Review:
My Hot Diggity Dog was the perfect representation of the place. Honesty. Now, it was my fault, I'll admit, because it was right there on the menu clear as day. "Pepper jack cheese, mustard and jalapeños". LITERALLY!!! Imagine my face when I opened the box and saw that shit! White ass cheese with not one red or green pepper flake and if it had them I'm sorry, I didn't see them and four little funky ass pieces of jarred pickled Jalapeños???? Wtf and I guess they said fuck my mustard because I didn't see nor tasted it. I would rather have six of your greatest hotdogs then to have 31 flavors of bullshit.
In closing: never coming back, I'm posting pics (later, it's 4am right now) so yes I have proof.
But on a good note the people were nice and the naked hot dog itself isn't bad. But that's not enough to go back. Take your $6 to the Happy Dog review coming soon.